Sunday, 16 August 2015


Good day, 

So after my recent growing up post.. I thought I'd do a little about my second biggest problem/issue after leaving school.

Being popular at school is great, I was take a group of about 7 girls, all very close and wouldn't go anywhere without each other. 
As the time to leave draw ever closer, we remind as strong as ever, telling each other we'd still be this close when we left. 

After leaving a couple months went by and atleast once a week we'd all go out together. 

As time went on cracks started to show, one by one the group got small and we'd lose contact with each other. 

One night after a huge argument, the group was broken and we couldn't see no coming back from this. 

This argument, made the girls choose sides and soon it be came clear we weren't as strong as ever! 

At this point we'd lost one girl due to being "in love"..
One being pregnant and not wanting to see us..  
One went with another's ex.. 
Then after the argument it's left myself and my close friend on one side and two other girls on another side.. 

Months went by with no contact or communicate between each other.. It was hard to have lost majority of my girls and be left with just one. 

Now a year on from school, I remin with one close friend from the group.. I still talk with people from school but it's to only be when they want something, I've made new friends but it still hurts to know we aren't the group we used to be and had to go out seprate ways...:(

Someone once told me that "you see who your true friends are when you leave school". 

This whole thing taught me a huge life lesson and that people appear to be there probably won't be in the end. It's not about the amount of friends you have but about the ones who are gonna stick by you! 

I still have the memory's but nothing can replace that group of friends and this has really affected me from going to lots of friends and being popular, to having one close friend.. 

It's hard story for me to share with you all but it's something that still affects me now and I wanna share with you! 

I hope you all don't have this problem, but you always got a friend in me!❤️ 

Lots of love! 

T x 

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