Saturday, 29 August 2015

Dermatophagia // My obsessive compulsive disorder

Good evening... 

So here's a post that's hard for me to write but I know it's something I should share.. 

From a very young age, I've been suffering with Dermatophagia, also known as "wolf biting disorder". 

Dermatophagia for those who don't know is a obsessive compulsive disorder/impulse control disorder. Where suffers compulsively bite there own skin. Suffers such as myself, bite the skin around the nail, sometimes leading to blood, discolouration and sore fingures. 

I've had this for as long as I remember, it's gotten that bad I once had no fingure print left..

It's hard and embarrassing to deal with, I've tried a number of things to stop myself but nothing worked.. 

It's embarrassing to deal with everyday, I sometimes have to wear gloves just so people don't see my fingures... 

I find it gets worse, when I'm worried, nervous, stressed, tired or bored. I can never leave the house without a plaster, just incase it gets bad.. 

It's hard to deal with and people may not understand and might just think, well don't do it, but it's hard to stop myself. 

I know one other person who Dermatophagia. She does the exact same thing has me and bites this skin until it bleeds. 

If anyone is suffering with this please get in touch. 

Please do not judge me.. 

Love you guys❤️

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