Sunday, 16 August 2015

Growing up.

Hey guys, 
So I've been left school over a year now. Gosh! So I just thought it would be nice to do a post about leaving school and lessons I've learned. 

At school I was one who could wait to get out, to grow up, get a job and be an "adult".  
Lots/everyone kept telling me to enjoy school as it's the best time of your life. It's easier than being in the big wide world. 
As a mature teenager I was in denial and choose not to listen. 
So when the day finally come, there was no tears and only a few goodbyes! I couldn't get out the door quick enough! 

College was sorted and I was starting in September, I think had a few months to look for a job. 

8 whole months went past after endless hours looking and applying I still had no luck. It wasn't look as good as I hoped. 

The novelty of college soon wore off and It was not long before I was wishing I was back at school.. The first lecture had left two months in, the second lecture didn't even start before leaving, the thrid was looking hopeful (she stayed tell the end).

In February I had a bit of luck after many ifs and buts, about applying for Alton towers. I took the plunge and went for it, it wasn't long before I they got in touch inviting me for an interview. 

Two weeks later I started my new job and things couldn't be better. I felt on top of the world. I was doing well at college I was on top of all the course work and now I was starting a new job, that look amazing! 

The next three months went by so quickly and college was coming to an end. Work was amazing I'd met lots of new and exciting people and I'd been trained on type one roller coaster. 

The next few week, I finally finished college and honestly I was glad, it was starting to get boring and to be honest I couldn't be bothered with it. 

Cracks soon started to show at work too, I started to see how people had their favourites. 

I soon started to question if I wanted to be there anymore. 

Five months on and frankly hating/ dreading going to work, I reluctantly get myself up and go. 

As i am currently looking for a new job because I really wanna leave. I'm at a very low point and just can't wait to get a new job and move on! 

I will be re-starting college in September and not feeling to hopeful about.... 

So one year on, I wish I could go back and be at school again... It was easy, free and fun. 

Message to yourself! Enjoy school! It is the best time of your life...

That's all for now lovely's! 
See you soon❤️

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