Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Having low self esteem

Here's something that's very personal to me and something I wanna share with you all. 

To most people I come across has a very confident person. Sometime this is true, I am confident. But sometimes, a lot of the time I do feel down and underneath this hard extera, is a not so confident. 
There's a lot of pressure now a days on young girls to have the prefect look. Model material at 16 isn't possible. 
I haven't got the confidents to be myself without a full face of make-up and a nice hair style. 
I put in the effort to make myself feel better.. 
I don't go over board and look like an orange but I do need my make-up to help me be as confident as I am. 
Sometimes I admit I have a rubbish day where I feel terrible and look terrible. We can't help this. 
My message for this post is don't worry about being prefect! Because you already are and there's someone who can see that. 
There's nothing wrong in making yourself feel better. 
I spent many days worrying about the way other people see me. 
Don't put yourself down on others options. 

Your perfect! 

Love Toni x 

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