Saturday, 21 November 2015

Alton Towers Scarefest 2015 // Review

I know its past Halloween but I never got round to my write up about the years Alton Towers Scarefest.
For those readers who don't know about scarefest here's a little incite. On the 17th October Alton Towers opened the gates on this years 'scarefest'. Scarefest, similar to Thorpe Parks 'fright night's' is a two week long event that go's on everyday right up to Halloween! Alton Towers opens a serious of 'scare mazes and zone' which see's experienced actors scare guests for fun.
This has been my third year running that I have visited Alton Towers for scarefest and by far this year has been the best! I was lucky enough to visit twice this year once on the first day of scarefest (17th October) and again on the 26th October.
Previous years have seen two paid maze's and two free maze's. This year was a little different with three paid maze's. Also they age restriction for the maze's has been upped meaning guests now have to be 15 years of ages instead of 13 years of age. This now means the actor inside the maze's are aloud to touch you...
Firstly, to get us started was Terror Of The Towers. A popular one which has always been a part of the scarefest. This year it was set in a different area of the towers ruins. After being briefed and taken up some what I can only describe as unstable old stairs, you are instructed to stand in a line one in front of the other and put your hands on the shoulders of the person in front of you. You are taken into a room and told to watch a video about some explores who were never seen again.. After the video has finished you walk though the maze, which is set up in different rooms, with lots of different actors who come and scream in your face. The is a point where you have to walk up and down some stairs you have duck down to the point of being on your hands and knees, you can't hardly see anything because its what I can only describe as a maze of cages with flashing lights and actors running around. It was all over within what felt like seconds but it took around 10 minutes to complete the whole maze.
It was defiantly improved from last year however it was very rushed and I can hardly remember what happened...
Terror of The Towers - Pre maze photo!
Next up was The Hunting of Molly Crowe. This was a new one for 2015, it started of in a 'behind the scene's' area where we were asked to stand in a line, we were told a story about a little girl called Molly, who had died in the towers and we had to find her. We were asked to put a material bag over our heads, to make us blindfolded. We were then told to take hold of a guide rope with our left hand and hold on to the shoulder of the person in front of you with our right hand. Then we were told to start walking and told not to let go of the rope. We fallowed the rope around whilst the actors were grabbing you head, face, arms, hands and legs! The was a lot of noise which was displaying Molly arguing with her dad and at one point you could smell baby powered. Then you were sent into a room where the line of people were squashed together and we were told to remover our hoods. There was a guy who was doing a spell and then the lights went off, when they came back on Molly was swinging from the sealing. The lights suddenly went off again and came back on and the same girl(Molly) was stood in front of us and we were told to run away as fast as we can.
Altogether I enjoyed this maze I like the ending and the maze, however it was less scary as I couldn't see anything so I wasn't scared.
Molly Crowe Entrance.
The third and finally maze's, also new for 2015 was Sub Species: The End Games. This maze was by far the best maze!
We were taken into a vault, where is it was set up as a control room and we were given a brief about how we could be spilt up and that we were in a race to get out! We were taken into the next room where we stood in a line. There was three doors, the lights went off, the doors opened and three people were taken away. Once the lights had come back on we were told to go through the doors as quick as we can! We were then inside the maze and the race had begun. There was people running around all over the place people were being taken different way by the actors and exits were being blocked. At one point we ended up going around in a circle because we were lost! People were screaming and chasing us. We came to a part where we were told to get on our hands and knees and crawl through a dark tunnel, there was actors inside the tunnel blocking the ways and telling you which way to go. The tunnel was never ending! When we finally got out, we were in a room and a guy which I can only describe as a pig! was chasing us with a chain saw!
My friend and other people who we started with were taken a different way and they had a different ending to us.
This one was amazing! Best maze I've ever done in my life! The actors and the maze it's self were fantastic!
Sub Species was rated 6 in scariness!
Hope you enjoyed this posted!
As always get in touch with your questions, review's and thoughts!
Enjoy the rest of your day!
Scarefest decoration on Towers Street.

Getting the job // My experience and advise.

Hello everyone!
 So as it's coming up to Christmas, I've seen a lot of Christmas temp jobs advertised, therefore I decided it would be a good time to write a little post about what I've learned about applying for jobs.
This time last year, I was fresh out of school and I was unemployed. After many attempts of apply I wasn't getting anywhere fast but don't worry its not all bad.
The first thing I learned and an Important thing to share with you is.. Don't beat yourself up or get yourself down about not having any replies from them millions of applications you sent.
For young people just out of school and even under the age of 18, it is very hard to find a job that is right for you.
Keep your head up and keep trying!
Work experience, you did at school or at college, does count as experience! Put it on your CV, put it in your application.
A cover letter is important! I never had a cover letter until 5 months ago. Write a cover letter which states your interest in the role and their company, be sure to thank them for reading your cover letter and CV.
Don't make your CV to long.. If you can make it two pages at most. Sometimes this cant happen (mine is three pages long). If its long take out pointless information. Make it informative but to the point and make it professional, spend some time making it look good, its basically you but on paper!
References are a must! Even if its a family member, that's fine! I would recommend two or three references.  If you don't have any references, got some! Your mum, you college tutor, old school teacher, friend, someone who knows you.
Take your time when filling in application forms. Read over what you have put before you submit it. Once it's gone, it's gone!
Sign up for email updates. This can be done through the company web-site or through job-sites. I highly recommend Indeed, its a brilliant site. It lets you choose your area and places close to you, it allows you to search, company's and roles, you can upload a CV and cover letter and they ask if you want email updates everyday linking to what jobs you have searched.
Complete the application form! It might be the most boring thing you've ever done and it might be 18 pages long but don't give up because you never know. Big company's have long application forms and nine times out of ten they will want you to complete an online test/assessment.
Always have a copy of your CV with you. You never know if you'll see a vacancy.
Coming up to Christmas there is a lot of temporary vacancies, even though is temporary its a great way to get some experience and they could offer you a permanent contract in the end.
If you get asked about 'your hobbies and interests' be careful and mindful of what you put. Reading, walking and swimming are great things to put even if you don't do them.
There's just a few pieces of advise which I've learnt from experience.
Ill leave the links down below on job web-site.
Best of luck to anyone looking for a job!
Don't give up!
Please feel free to get in contact with your questions!

Friday, 20 November 2015

New Job // How it happened?

Hello everyone,

So here's one I've been promising for a while..

As I shared with you all in my previous posts, I recently got a new job.

Here's my full post about how it all happened.. Enjoy!

Where is my new job?
My job is at Boots UK in my local store, in Stoke-on-Trent.

What is my new job?
I am Customer Service Assistant. I am trained to work on the tills.

How did I get my job?
I saw a vacancy on the local shopping centre web-site, I decided to apply via the Boots online web-site. The application took around 15 minutes to complete. After submitting my application, one hour later I had an email asking for me to complete a online assessment. This assessment took around half an hour and asked questions related to customer service and Boots products. Four days later I was asked to come in for an interview. One week later I had my interview. Five days later I had a phone call offering me the job.

What was the interview like?
I was told in the email the whole interview would take up to 50 minutes. I was told to "give some thought to a products which really appeals to you personally and is likely to be available in the store your applying to".

I went for the interview on 14th October, it took about 30/40 minutes. At first I was met by one of the store managers, we went into the interview room and we went over my application and talked about my experience and I was asked questions about how I would be in this situation and how I will do my best for the customers. After this we went onto the shop floor and I was asked to sell my product to the person interviewing me, I was also asked some more questions about how I would promote a product and find something for a customer. After this I was asked to approach three customers and ask if they needed any help. Finally I was take to an area of the shop (the nappy aisle) and was told to explain what I thought needed to be made better and how it could be improved.

How did I feel in and after the interview?
During the interview I was very confident and calm. I was made to feel very relaxed and welcome by the interviewer. I felt the interview couldn't of gone any better as I'd tried my best.

What happened next?
One week after the interview, I had a phone call offering me a 20 hour contract, as a Christmas temporary job.
I then received a email asking me to compete some E-learning tasks and was invited in for my induction.

What happened in the induction?
In the induction, my manager gave us a tour of the shop and stock room, I was given a lot of information and I spent the afternoon being trained on the tills. So when I go in on my first day I can just go straight to work.

Now what happens?
I've been in to collect my T-shirt which I will be wearing and I'm just waiting for my first day which is in December.

How long is it for?
This job is only temporary and my contract is for a month however there is a possibility for me to be offered a permanent contract.

So that's all from me! Hope you enjoyed this post!
See you again soon!

November already? // Updates.

So as you guys will know from my previous post, it been a busy time for me.
November is here already?
I'd like to start with an apologise as I haven't done any other the posts which I promised I would. Oops..

But I am determined to get back to posting more regularly especially as its coming up to Christmas and they'll be lots to talk about.

Here's a quick low down of what's been happening 'in my world' since my last post.

So I had my induction at Boots..(Exciting)

I officially left Alton Towers..(Sad Times)

I'm still have driving lessons... 

I brought some pink hair dye...(Scary)

Some how it became Christmas..(WHAT)

College is still college...(Yawn)

Halloween and firework events...

So doesn't really sound like much, but I just don't know where the time has gone..

So whilst I've got some free time before I start my new job, I'm going try and post as much as possible!

Hope your all well!

Until my next post friends!

Monday, 19 October 2015

What's been going on?/Updates!

Halo friends, 

So I know it's been a few weeks since I last checked in with you all.. 

It's been a busy few weeks, but I thought I'd give you quick update about where I've been and what's being going on. 

Most of you readers will know I'm back as a full time student now and well in all honesty I'm not enjoying it. It's been a hard few weeks with the lecture leaving and a new one starting. I've handed in two assignments, with an other due on Wednesday and well being truthful, I've learnt nothing. Actually nothing, I don't know anymore than what I did before I started the course. I hoping things will become more enjoyable as the time goes on.. The course is putting a lot of stress on to many of my college buddies and it's even got one of my closest friends debating quitting the course.*sad face*

This last week however has seen the kick off, of scarefest at work. This means long days, cold nights and hopefully more guests! Due to being under 18, I'm only able to work 8hours a day! *happy face* however I was able to go on the theme park myself on Saturday and give the scare mazes a try! Hopefully I will get round to writing a full review on the mazes, but for now I will just say, it's definitely worth getting down to Alton Towers to give the scare mazes a try. This years mazes are by far, my fav! They are brillant and you'd be crazy not to give them a go.. 

So with us now being into scarefest, I'm left to tell you guys, I've only got five official working days left at Alton Towers. On the 8th November, my contact will come to an end and I will be handing my uniform back over. It's been a roller coaster of emotions (pardon the pun). There's been good days and bad days. I am preparing to write a post about my my time there and how it's helped me very soon. 

But it's not all sad faces, because I received a phone call today, congratulating me on being offered the position as a "Customer Service Assistant" at my local Boots store. I have an interview last Wednesday, which you know I'll write a full post on when I get chance. So from the 30th November I will be starting my new job and I'll sure jeep you updated. 

In other news;
Poppy came over for another sleep over! 

I brought a selfie stick! 

I went on oblivion in the dark... 

I've still not done my theory. *sad face*

I brought the a beautiful new pair of converse, which I'm in love with..

I went to student night and spent too much money.. (Will do a q&a, If you like). 

And that's it for now, just a shortish, update on where I've been and what's going on. 

I promise to do more post in the near future! 

Please feel free to get in touch, with any questions or anything you want! 

Love to you all!❤️

T x 

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

I'm afraid of relationships..

Hey guys, 

So it's been a few weeks now and I thought I'd check back in in you all and share a post which relates to something I've found out about myself recently.. 

So people may or may not relate to this however I feel it's something I want to share with you all to ask for advice and hopefully give you advise too.. 

Thought out school, I had a few "relationships" which now looking back weren't really relationships. In my short life I've only ever experienced "real love" once. My off on boyfriend and I were together for the duration of three and half years.. Wow.. 

We had a lot of ups and downs but nothing can come close to the love I had for him.. 

Very early into the relationship he admired to kissing another girl.. This broke my heart.. 

After 3months of trying to move on something told me I couldn't and I decided to give him another chance. We were stronger than ever! We helped each other though the bad times and we helped each other achieve great things. 

Early last year we decided it was best for us to just be friends for the moment and focus on the important stuff.. 

We're still as close as ever and see/speak nearly everyday.. He's my best friend and my sole mate. 

With us not being a couple we decided we would still try and find love and date other people.. 

I've not being looking to find anyone else, I'm a very strong independent person and i don't feel the need for anyone in my life. 

Until recently I've been happy being single and I love it, I've had a few flings here and there and lots of flirting with guys, but nothing serious as of yet..

A few weeks ago (two weeks ago), I admiring a very good looking guy and thinking "he's way out of my league". However it turns out fate was on my side and this guy, showed interest in my too! Result.. Or not.. 

Things were going good until four days into knowing this guys.. We kissed.. Some may think yeah that great, other will be like what! After the kiss, things started to move very fast and he even told me he loved me.. After four days of knowing him.. *confused face* 

After a few carful discussions with the girls, I've come to the conclusion I'm scared.. Scared of being in a relationship with someone.. 

I don't know, how or why or even what, but alls I've realised is that, I'm good being "close friends" with someone but as soon as they start talking about relationships, I run, run for the hills and I don't look back.. I don't know why this is.. 

I hope that this is something I can get over and move on from, because right now even the thought of relationships sends my brain into overdrive, thinking all kinds of things.. From weird scenarios to crazy situations.. 

It's an odd one to share with you guys and I don't know what kind of reaction I'm going to get but I'd like some advice if anyone has experienced this or is experiencing this, please let me know.. 

I'm open to answering questions from guys! 

Hope your all good! 

See you again soon!❤️❤️❤️

Monday, 21 September 2015

A message for you all..

Good afternoon,
So here's a post which your can probably relate to, at some point. Maybe in the passed, or maybe now.
Human beings are wonderful yet strange people, through out your life and maybe in your already passed you will have met many different people. Some good, some bad. We can't help meeting new people and can't help what happens with these new people.
Sometimes, the people who you were once close with meet new people and no longer need you.. I've spent many times chasing after people who I once thought were my friends.
Growing up I've released it's ok to be different it's ok to be alone.
Don't spend your days worrying over what could of been, look of what can be and will be.
People will talk and judge you whenever and wherever you are. We're only human.
You don't need to put yourself out to impress people, if they wanna talk, let them.
You don't have to answer to anyone, you make your own choice's and your perfect. Don't spend your time worrying over your so called friends, spend time making things better for yourself. Make new friends, go new place, spend extra time doing what you love.
Sometimes it may feel as if everyone is against you. More fool them because when you get new friends and become successful, they going to wish they had made better choices.
When I feel like everyone is against me, I take to my blog to share, my thoughts and chill out.
I want you guys to take a message from this post.
Although sometimes might be harder than others, not everyday can be a good day and sometimes you feel like you have no one to turn to, when everyone is against you. Don't worry, there's people out there that are worth your time and effort. When the good days come treasure them, make the most of what you have. Don't blame yourself for living your life and being successful.
You are not alone!
You are perfect!
Keep your head high and don't let anyone get you down.
Love Toni x

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Meet poppy!

Hey guys, 

So here's another one of my doggy related posts.. 

Today Poppy has come over for a sleepover just for one night to get her used to my house..

Poppy the little puppy is not yet one.. So she's still very little.. *aw* 

She's very loving and I just couldn't wait to introduce her to you all.. 

Poppy will be coming over for two weeks in November, so I will keep you updated with photos! 

But for now enjoy the rest of your evening! 

Love you all❤️❤️❤️

Poppy helping with this post...

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

College // Week One

Hey guys,
So it's been a week now since most people including me went my back to college, school or uni.. *yawn*

So one week on to my new course and thought I'd share with you how it's going. 

So level three I always knew it would be hard and I was very opportunistic and nervous about going onto a new course. 

One week in a it's safe to say I'm a little overwhelmed and confused about what's going on. 

We are learning five units all at once and it's a lot to take in. All five units need to be completed by January. 

This is all new to me because I'm used to completing the units one at a time the. Moving on the the next one. 

It's a lot of information to take in to at once and there's a lot of paperwork. 

I'm remaining optimistic and organised and trying to keep on top off my work. 

I'm hoping things will be come more clear as time goes on. 

If anyone has had experience dealing with learning multiple units at once please feel free to share your advise.. I love hearing for you. 

Hope you all had a good first the week back! 

See you again soon! 

Toni x 

Monday, 14 September 2015

Feeling happy // My little group of friends..

The Hey you guys,
So as you know I've been a little down about losing people who are close to me.
However things have started too look up and as you may know I've met some brilliant people whilst at Alton Towers.
Three of them being Becky, Hayley and Charlotte..
Six months ago I didn't no any one of these ladies, but I'm so glad I got the chance to become there annoying little friend!
Knowing them has made more bearable and enjoy able without them I'm sure I would of left by now.
Not only that we've got some great memories of thing's we've done outside of work together, which has been great and I can't wait to great more memoires!
These ladies have had a great impact on my life and it's made me feel a lot better within myself knowing that there is people to talk to no matter how many..
You do not want to read our group chat!

I'm sure I drive them as crazy as they drive me but it's great to have such brill friends and I just wanted to finally share a happy story with my online friends!

So to all the memories we've got and all the memories to come!
I love you ladies.

<3 <3 <3

Back to college // My tips..

Good afternoon,
As you guys may know I've recently start back to college on a Level Three Travel and Tourism course. Now back as a full time student, I've got to juggle studying, working and learning how drive..
In this post I'm going share with you my tips on organising yourself.. How too keep everything in order and make life just that little bit easier..
As you guys know I love photos.. So here's one I took earlier for this post..
Photo taken earlier for this post..
A few ways I'm aiming too keep everything in order is by seducing everything knowing what I'm doing on what days..
A great way to do this is too keep everything in a diary. Or on a calendar.
College is my main priority therefore I've organised everything around that..
  • Monday's and Tuesday's are college day's. During these too days I will be attending my chosen study classes in college.
  • Wednesday's I will be continuing with my driving lessons, after my lesson I have free time to study or meet up with friends.
  • Thursday's and Friday's will be work day's, due to getting in late I won't be studying on these day's unless absolutely necessary.
  • Saturday's will be a whole day spent keeping up with college work, assignments and homework.
  • Sunday's will be a mixture of college work and family time. And of course an annual blogging session.. Because well why not!
Keeping yourself organised is key to making sure you can get things done.
Folders are you best friend!
Any assignments or work you complete and hand in, may a copy for yourself. Create your own portfolio of your work. You never know when you might need to look back at it.
Set your standards high!
Work to the best of your ability, spend extra time making your work look professional. Use different fonts, add relevant images. Make your work the best!
 Don't leave things to last minute!
I know from experience its hard to get motivated and you tell yourself I'll do it tomorrow.  Tomorrow never comes. As soon as you get the chance even if its 10 minutes a day, do as much as you can. Leaving to last minute means you will be stressed and you wont have time to read over it and change things.
Proof read!
I'm so very bad at spelling as I'm sure you may have seen in my previous posts.. Oops.. Reading over your work, will how you see if there's any mistakes. I always try and get on else to read it over as well to make double sure it's ok.
I'm highlighter crazy and love highlighting everything different colours. Having great stationary helps to keep work tidy and looks professional.
Keeping your self organised and find a way that suits you is key to succeeding at college.
If anyone has any questions or needs any advise on college or organisation, just pop me a message! I love hearing from you guys!
How you enjoyed this post!
See you again soon <3

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Making time to blog // How it's helping.

Hello again friends,
So its been over three months since I started Life As A Butterfly.. And well time really does fly when your having fun..
In this post I thought I'd share with you how having my blog has helped me with everyday life and how making time to blog is going..
Lets start with a nice photo from today..

Blogging Life..
 As you guys know I started my blog as a hobby to keep my busy in my spare time.
I use my blog to share story's, updates, reviews and well anything which is going on around me.

My blog is chance to escape day to day life, by taking ten minutes out of my day to write about things I need/want to share with you..

In my first too post I made a promise to myself and the online world to post at least once a week.
After reviewing this I realised that this hasn't happened and therefore I've just decided to post when ever and where ever.. (My 'Having low self esteem' post was wrote whilst on the bus home).

I started my blog with the inspiration of writing about 'cabin crew' related post, but I guess you guys know as well as I do, my blog pretty much full of anything..

Inspiration for my post are totally random and are taken from that moment I start to type..
Having the 'blogger' app on my phone is amazing, as it allows my the opportunity to post from where I am.

Since starting my blog I've had a mixture of good and bad days and being able to share these with you has really helped me feel better in myself..

Although I don't know how many people do really my posts or follow my blog, it helps to know that I've shared it and people can read it at there leisure.

After writing post whether good or bad, it makes me feel as if a wait has been lifted of my shoulders and I can move on from whatever has happened that day. It's helping make me feel more relaxed and I don't go to bed thinking about what has happened that day because I've share it with you guys.

Blogging has helped my keep a clear mind and is a very big part of my life now. I'm so glad I took the steps to start Life As A Butterfly. Although it's not worldwide and popular knowing at least one person reads my posts make me very happy and proud.

I'm not yet read to share my blog link on my personal accounts such as Facebook, however I am remaining optimistic and hopefully one day i will be ready to take that huge step to let family and friends read my posts.

But for now I'm happy with unknown public reading my crazy posts!

If anyone is undecided about starting a blog, please feel free to get in touch and I will help as much as I can.
An inspirational quote. My all time favourite!

I'd like to thank all of you guys for the support in the start and up keeping of Life As A Butterfly and I hope you keep reading my posts.

My aim for the next couple of months is too keep blogging as much as I can and make as many new friends as I can.. So please don't be shy, if your one of the amazing people who read my posts... I'd love to hear from you and know what you think!

Blogging has truly helped me become a less stress and calm person and I hope if you are about to start a new blog it helps you just as much as it has helped me.

So thanks again online friends!
Here's to the 30 previous posts and the many more to come!

Lots and Lots of Love!!

A nice flowers photographed by me.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Alton Towers // My first job

Hey guys, 

So as it's been 7 months now that I've been living the Merlin way, I though I'd share with you my up and downs and experience of getting my first job. 

Since leaving school last June, I spent many hours looking and applying for jobs online and in stores.

I was undecided what I wanted to do. I guess I wasn't really bothered what I was doing, aslong as out of the house for a few days.. 

Between June and January I'd had applied for over 50 jobs and had one unsuccessful interview at the body shop. 

More and more time went passed and i would either be ignored or rejected. 

This was hard to for me as I felt I was getting no where fast. 

One day I stumbling across the careers page for Alton Towers somewhere I'd loved to work but I never looked into it.

After many discussion with my mum (who didn't like the idea at all)... and long days thinking about the pros and cons.. 

On 2nd of February this year i made the big decision to send off my application..

3 days later I had a reply asking for me to go in for an interview.. I was so excited! 

On Thursday 19th February, I went for three hour long interview.. (My mum was very nervous about me going). 

It was a three stage interview. A group session and small 5 person planning and presenting activity and a one to one interview.. 

3 days later I received a phone call informing me the interview had gone well and they'd like to offer me the job as a ride host! 

A week later I was asked to go in for my induction and one month later on the 21st of March I started my journey. 

I completed 16 hours training for Oblivion and 16 Hours for Hex and was passed off within my first month. I was aloud to run free. 
It's been a long hard 7 months with good days and bad days but I wouldn't change anything! 

It's best decision I ever made to apply and I've made some amazing memories and friends and it's something that will always be with me for life. 

I'm definitely thinking about returning next year. 

Anybody who is looking for a job definitely look into Alton towers because it's a brilliant starting point for school leavers and it's great pay! 

 Hope you guys have/had more luck than I did when apply! 

Good Luck! 

Love T x 

Sad day // Nancy's birthday

Hey guys. 
So as you know I look after a number of dogs. 
One dog inoutticualer Nancy who you have not yet met is very special to me. All the dogs are special and I love them all the millions. 

Nancy is a white bichon frise whom I used to have most regularly she would come nearly every three months. 
Last year on one of her stays she was a little poorly and I stayed up with her all night to look after her.. 

After this night she got taken to vets where they said it was treatable but she would need to stay in over night. 

The next day they told us that she had several cancers lumps and would need to be put asleep as there was no other option.
Yesterday Nancy would of been five years old. 

Not a day goes by when I don't think about her and the mischief she gets up to. 

Losing a loved one/pet is hard to deal with and some days will be harder than others but you have to be strong. 

You don't need to forget, just remember happy times! 

Be strong and don't be afraid to talk about things! 
Talking about things may make it easier but don't feel you have too, people deal with loss in different ways! 
Stay strong! 

Lots of love! 


The wait is over! // Lego is here!

Good Morning! 

So a few days a go, I told you guys I was waiting for some Lego to be delivered! 

Yesterday morning after endless days of try to track my parcel and it not been track able.. 

I received a giant envelope through the door! 

It was like Christmas... 

My gold brick key ring.

Gold Lego mini figure key ring. 

I'm so excited to share these with you guys! 

Hope you have a brillant weekend! 

Love T x 

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Starting my scrapbook // Craft haul


So I've recently been building up a collection of items to start my scrapbook and now my finally items are here, in read to share with you.. 

My scrapbook - Hard back down paged book - £3 HobbyCraft. 

Paper cut outs - Plan white lace effect - £1 The Works. 

Jute shapes - Brown and white, mixed flowers and butterflies - £1 PoundLand.

16 page paper selection- Paper flowers - £2.85 Ebay. 

Ribbon - Pink and yellow - £1 The Works. 

Ribbon number two - pink and green - £1 The Works. 

That is my collection for now, I will keep you updated on how it's coming on.. 

Please share your scrapbook ideas! 

Love you guys! 

Monday, 31 August 2015

Learning how to drive...

Hey guys. 

So I just came back from another driving lesson and thought I'd share with you how it's going.. 

So far I've had six lessons and well my confidence is growing but it's still very scary. 

So many things to remember at once.. I've been trying to study my theory but it's very boring and lose interest quickly.. 

I can't wait to be able to drive but it's so hard and I'm hoping by next year I'll be passed.. 

Anyone who has or is having lessons? How is it going? How are you focusing on your theory? 

I'll keep you updated on how my journey is going! 

Wish me luck! 

Love you guys! 


Sunday, 30 August 2015

August favourites!

Hey guys, 
So it's September already... 

So here's a random selection of favourite things from last month. 
Happy September😊

Top three! 

1. My new soap and glory lip crayon. 
Pink punch - £3 - Boots. 

2. Alton Towers tree top quest - 
Such an embarrassing photo... 
Definitely worth a visit down to the tree top quest tho, it's amazing! You have choice of high or low ropes, takes around about an hour. The a number of obstacles and fantastic siplines. 

3. Black and white nails.
During August I've fashioned the black and white nails.. Which I absolutely love! They go with all outfits and still look lovely! 

Favourite August photo.

Favourite August quote! 

"everything's better when you stick together" 

That's my August favourites! 

Hope you have a great September! 

Lots of love 
T x 

My journey to success // What I'm doing to become cabin crew


So after my recent why I want to become cabin crew post. I decided it would be nice to talk about my aims and how I'm trying to achieve my dream. 

It all started off on a plane back home from sunny Gran Canaria! Back in 2011. 

I was amazing by the cabin crew on my flight, they looked beautiful and were very good at there jobs. 

From that day on the avation bug bite me! And I've been obsessed ever since. 

Having already chosen my options wanting to become a teacher at this point I didn't have time to change. So my product design and art GCSE are a little pointless. 

Never the less I spent many days researching airlines and cabin crew jobs. And decided it definitely something I wanted to do!

Which leads me to where I am now, four years on from that day, I now have completed a Level two diploma in Air Cabin Crew. 

I'm now moving onto a Level three diploma in Travel and Tourism. I will be doing this course for two years, after complishon I will have the equivalent to three A-levels and will be able to move onto university. 

When I've completed my travel and tourism course I will be 18/19. Therefore I have chosen not to go onto university and start applying for airlines. 

What I aim to do.. 

At first my aim is to work for a budget airline (monarch). To gain experience and knowledge.. 

When I feel ready I shall move on to bigger companies such as Thompson, Virgin Atlantic or British Airways
(I've not yet decided which I'd prefer, all of them would be amazing!) 

Hopefully and successfully moving onto a big airline I will get to work on many different aircrafts and move up rank. Maybe even one day becoming cabin manager. 

I'm setting my sights high! And I'm determine to succeed! 

I'll keep you posted about any changes and how I'm doing in my course. 

Hope you enjoyed this one! 

Love you! 
T x 

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Why I want to become cabin crew?

Good day all, 

So I noticed i'd not do a lot of cabin crew related posts which is what my blog was meant to be aimed at...ops..

But here I go, with this one.. 

A friend asked me the other day why I wanted to become cabin crew.. And that's what I'm going to share with you all too.. 

Why I want to be cabin crew? 

1. I love flying - if that's not a good reason I don't know what is. 

2. The uniform - I know everyone's like because it's a childhood dream but for me It's more than that it's a lifestyle and the uniforms are amazing. 

3. It's not 9 to 5 - Some days I'll be going to bed at 11am and waking up at 2pm. 
It's totally random hours and it love it, not doing the same hours day after day. 

4. It's something different - I'm won't be going to the same office, doing the same thing. I'll be on a huge giant metal tube in the sky. 

5. The traveling - my mission is to travel the world and this is great way to do it, but doing what I love going to places I've never been. 

6. The rewards - All year suntan... Endless duty-free. Need I say more. 

7. The aircrafts - Some people dream of having lots of children, my dream is to work on a 747 aircraft. It's by far my favourite plane and it would be such a delight to work on one. 

8. Meeting celebrities - Everyone flys for time to time and you never know who you might bump into... 

9. Hoping to marry a pilot - How cute would an aviation wedding be? It's the ultimate love story. Pilot and flight attendant. 

10. Opportunities are endless - Different roles, different aircrafts. It's never ending. 

11. Making people happy - I love seeing happy people and what could be better than making there flight better? 

12. Bragging rights - Facebook status update, every five minutes.. Where am I today?.. 

13. Sense of achievement- Lots of people have told me I'm worthless and won't get know where.. And I'm totally going to prove them wrong. 

14. Making my mum proud - My mums been very supportive of my choice and I can't wait to see her face when I finally get a pair of wings. 

15. Getting to see how it all works - See what happens behind closed doors, to make every flight go well. 

16. Finally seeing the inside of first class - Being able to see how to posh/important live. 

17. Because why wouldn't you - It's a prefect job and I couldn't think of nothing better. 

Hope y'all enjoyed this post! 
See you again for soon. 
T x 

Dermatophagia // My obsessive compulsive disorder

Good evening... 

So here's a post that's hard for me to write but I know it's something I should share.. 

From a very young age, I've been suffering with Dermatophagia, also known as "wolf biting disorder". 

Dermatophagia for those who don't know is a obsessive compulsive disorder/impulse control disorder. Where suffers compulsively bite there own skin. Suffers such as myself, bite the skin around the nail, sometimes leading to blood, discolouration and sore fingures. 

I've had this for as long as I remember, it's gotten that bad I once had no fingure print left..

It's hard and embarrassing to deal with, I've tried a number of things to stop myself but nothing worked.. 

It's embarrassing to deal with everyday, I sometimes have to wear gloves just so people don't see my fingures... 

I find it gets worse, when I'm worried, nervous, stressed, tired or bored. I can never leave the house without a plaster, just incase it gets bad.. 

It's hard to deal with and people may not understand and might just think, well don't do it, but it's hard to stop myself. 

I know one other person who Dermatophagia. She does the exact same thing has me and bites this skin until it bleeds. 

If anyone is suffering with this please get in touch. 

Please do not judge me.. 

Love you guys❤️

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