Sunday, 6 September 2015

Alton Towers // My first job

Hey guys, 

So as it's been 7 months now that I've been living the Merlin way, I though I'd share with you my up and downs and experience of getting my first job. 

Since leaving school last June, I spent many hours looking and applying for jobs online and in stores.

I was undecided what I wanted to do. I guess I wasn't really bothered what I was doing, aslong as out of the house for a few days.. 

Between June and January I'd had applied for over 50 jobs and had one unsuccessful interview at the body shop. 

More and more time went passed and i would either be ignored or rejected. 

This was hard to for me as I felt I was getting no where fast. 

One day I stumbling across the careers page for Alton Towers somewhere I'd loved to work but I never looked into it.

After many discussion with my mum (who didn't like the idea at all)... and long days thinking about the pros and cons.. 

On 2nd of February this year i made the big decision to send off my application..

3 days later I had a reply asking for me to go in for an interview.. I was so excited! 

On Thursday 19th February, I went for three hour long interview.. (My mum was very nervous about me going). 

It was a three stage interview. A group session and small 5 person planning and presenting activity and a one to one interview.. 

3 days later I received a phone call informing me the interview had gone well and they'd like to offer me the job as a ride host! 

A week later I was asked to go in for my induction and one month later on the 21st of March I started my journey. 

I completed 16 hours training for Oblivion and 16 Hours for Hex and was passed off within my first month. I was aloud to run free. 
It's been a long hard 7 months with good days and bad days but I wouldn't change anything! 

It's best decision I ever made to apply and I've made some amazing memories and friends and it's something that will always be with me for life. 

I'm definitely thinking about returning next year. 

Anybody who is looking for a job definitely look into Alton towers because it's a brilliant starting point for school leavers and it's great pay! 

 Hope you guys have/had more luck than I did when apply! 

Good Luck! 

Love T x 

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