Monday, 14 September 2015

Feeling happy // My little group of friends..

The Hey you guys,
So as you know I've been a little down about losing people who are close to me.
However things have started too look up and as you may know I've met some brilliant people whilst at Alton Towers.
Three of them being Becky, Hayley and Charlotte..
Six months ago I didn't no any one of these ladies, but I'm so glad I got the chance to become there annoying little friend!
Knowing them has made more bearable and enjoy able without them I'm sure I would of left by now.
Not only that we've got some great memories of thing's we've done outside of work together, which has been great and I can't wait to great more memoires!
These ladies have had a great impact on my life and it's made me feel a lot better within myself knowing that there is people to talk to no matter how many..
You do not want to read our group chat!

I'm sure I drive them as crazy as they drive me but it's great to have such brill friends and I just wanted to finally share a happy story with my online friends!

So to all the memories we've got and all the memories to come!
I love you ladies.

<3 <3 <3

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