Monday, 14 September 2015

Back to college // My tips..

Good afternoon,
As you guys may know I've recently start back to college on a Level Three Travel and Tourism course. Now back as a full time student, I've got to juggle studying, working and learning how drive..
In this post I'm going share with you my tips on organising yourself.. How too keep everything in order and make life just that little bit easier..
As you guys know I love photos.. So here's one I took earlier for this post..
Photo taken earlier for this post..
A few ways I'm aiming too keep everything in order is by seducing everything knowing what I'm doing on what days..
A great way to do this is too keep everything in a diary. Or on a calendar.
College is my main priority therefore I've organised everything around that..
  • Monday's and Tuesday's are college day's. During these too days I will be attending my chosen study classes in college.
  • Wednesday's I will be continuing with my driving lessons, after my lesson I have free time to study or meet up with friends.
  • Thursday's and Friday's will be work day's, due to getting in late I won't be studying on these day's unless absolutely necessary.
  • Saturday's will be a whole day spent keeping up with college work, assignments and homework.
  • Sunday's will be a mixture of college work and family time. And of course an annual blogging session.. Because well why not!
Keeping yourself organised is key to making sure you can get things done.
Folders are you best friend!
Any assignments or work you complete and hand in, may a copy for yourself. Create your own portfolio of your work. You never know when you might need to look back at it.
Set your standards high!
Work to the best of your ability, spend extra time making your work look professional. Use different fonts, add relevant images. Make your work the best!
 Don't leave things to last minute!
I know from experience its hard to get motivated and you tell yourself I'll do it tomorrow.  Tomorrow never comes. As soon as you get the chance even if its 10 minutes a day, do as much as you can. Leaving to last minute means you will be stressed and you wont have time to read over it and change things.
Proof read!
I'm so very bad at spelling as I'm sure you may have seen in my previous posts.. Oops.. Reading over your work, will how you see if there's any mistakes. I always try and get on else to read it over as well to make double sure it's ok.
I'm highlighter crazy and love highlighting everything different colours. Having great stationary helps to keep work tidy and looks professional.
Keeping your self organised and find a way that suits you is key to succeeding at college.
If anyone has any questions or needs any advise on college or organisation, just pop me a message! I love hearing from you guys!
How you enjoyed this post!
See you again soon <3

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