Monday, 19 October 2015

What's been going on?/Updates!

Halo friends, 

So I know it's been a few weeks since I last checked in with you all.. 

It's been a busy few weeks, but I thought I'd give you quick update about where I've been and what's being going on. 

Most of you readers will know I'm back as a full time student now and well in all honesty I'm not enjoying it. It's been a hard few weeks with the lecture leaving and a new one starting. I've handed in two assignments, with an other due on Wednesday and well being truthful, I've learnt nothing. Actually nothing, I don't know anymore than what I did before I started the course. I hoping things will become more enjoyable as the time goes on.. The course is putting a lot of stress on to many of my college buddies and it's even got one of my closest friends debating quitting the course.*sad face*

This last week however has seen the kick off, of scarefest at work. This means long days, cold nights and hopefully more guests! Due to being under 18, I'm only able to work 8hours a day! *happy face* however I was able to go on the theme park myself on Saturday and give the scare mazes a try! Hopefully I will get round to writing a full review on the mazes, but for now I will just say, it's definitely worth getting down to Alton Towers to give the scare mazes a try. This years mazes are by far, my fav! They are brillant and you'd be crazy not to give them a go.. 

So with us now being into scarefest, I'm left to tell you guys, I've only got five official working days left at Alton Towers. On the 8th November, my contact will come to an end and I will be handing my uniform back over. It's been a roller coaster of emotions (pardon the pun). There's been good days and bad days. I am preparing to write a post about my my time there and how it's helped me very soon. 

But it's not all sad faces, because I received a phone call today, congratulating me on being offered the position as a "Customer Service Assistant" at my local Boots store. I have an interview last Wednesday, which you know I'll write a full post on when I get chance. So from the 30th November I will be starting my new job and I'll sure jeep you updated. 

In other news;
Poppy came over for another sleep over! 

I brought a selfie stick! 

I went on oblivion in the dark... 

I've still not done my theory. *sad face*

I brought the a beautiful new pair of converse, which I'm in love with..

I went to student night and spent too much money.. (Will do a q&a, If you like). 

And that's it for now, just a shortish, update on where I've been and what's going on. 

I promise to do more post in the near future! 

Please feel free to get in touch, with any questions or anything you want! 

Love to you all!❤️

T x 

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